Trusted Leaders Support Scott Cuthbertson

Former Governor Gary Herbert

“Scott’s understanding of economic development as a foundation and key to opportunity and quality of life is needed in the legislature. He presents the common sense policies and values that most all Utahns desire. He will represent all of the people in a way that they will make them proud.

State Representative Robert Spendlove

“I’m honored to support Scott Cuthbertson for the Utah State Senate. During my legislative tenure, I’ve prioritized building relationships over burning bridges. As a result, I’ve been able to deliver for the citizens and families of Utah. That’s why I support Scott. He knows how to advance sound policy and cares more about getting results than winning any partisan political battle. He will represent every constituent with responsiveness and dignity.”

State School Board Member Molly Hart

“As a career-long educator and administrator of local schools for over a decade, I am proud to endorse Scott Cuthbertson for the Utah State Senate. Scott is a willing listener to education professionals, supports removing red tape placed on our schools and teachers, and will always show up for our students, parents, and educators.

As a member of the State Board of Education, I need partners like Scott to ensure a meaningful and productive back and forth on policy to improve educational outcomes. A vote for Scott will give Senate District 15 a real seat at the table for improving education and empowering our educators in Utah!

State Representative Karen Peterson

““As a member of the Utah State House, I have been a consistent advocate for Utah’s public schools. Utah needs practical, solutions-oriented legislators who can help move the needle for students, parents, and teachers. I know Scott Cuthbertson can do that in the Utah State Senate.”

Governing Group

“Founded by former State Representative Becky Edwards, Governing Group is focused on supporting candidates who care more about practical policymaking over partisan soundbites. We are proud to support Scott Cuthbertson for the Utah State Senate. His career is marked by a tenacious commitment to building long-term relationships and enacting long-term solutions.”

Cottonwood Heights Mayor Mike Weichers

“As the Mayor of Cottonwood Heights, I am excited to endorse Scott Cuthbertson for the Utah State Senate. Our city needs a trusted partner to advance our legislative interests–from clean air and water to enhancing our infrastructure. Scott is the candidate in this race with the relationships, policy know how, and strategic mind to get things done for our district.

West Jordan Mayor Dirk Burton

“As a candidate for the Utah State Senate, Scott Cuthbertson brings a track record of exemplary leadership and strategic management. His commitment to fostering business growth and development in Utah through successful initiatives and innovative strategies is strong. Scott is the clear choice for voters who prioritize conservative fiscal growth generated through economic development and effective governance.”

South Jordan Mayor Dawn Ramsey

“As a mayor, I appreciate legislators who are willing to collaborate on solutions to complex challenges. I have worked with Scott Cuthbertson in his professional role and have witnessed firsthand his ability to build coalitions.

I am excited to endorse him for the United States Senate to bring that same collaborative, effective approach to the Utah legislature.

“Scott is the leader needed in our state Legislature — pragmatic, thoughtful, willing to meet you and me to get a better understanding of the issues as they constantly evolve. He’s well-versed on the important policy areas that our City contributes to and deals with. Yes, he’s involved and for the right reasons! Scott has invested much time and interest to better know our Midvale community and the issues which are important to us.

Former Midvale Mayor Robert Hale

Former Cottonwood Heights Mayor Mike Peterson

“As the former Mayor, I worked with a variety of legislators–some Democrats and some Republicans. The effective lawmakers worked hard to build relationships, listen attentively to local residents and leaders, and craft innovative policy solutions. I support Scott Cuthbertson because he has all of the traits to ensure Cottonwood Heights and all of our district are represented capably and effectively in the state legislature.

Former Cottonwood Heights Mayor Kelvyn Cullimore

“I am honored to endorse Scott Cuthbertson as a candidate for the state Senate representing Cottonwood Heights. I have worked with Scott professionally and know him to be capable, intelligent, hard working and honest. Most of all, he is well known and respected at the State Capitol and would be an effective advocate for our community.”

Former Sandy Mayor Tom Dolan

“Scott is committed to serving Utah and Sandy the right way and representing our values. He has put in the time meeting with our community and knows the issues that matter to us. He is the strongest candidate in this race and will make an impact as a principled leader in the state senate.”

Cottonwood Heights City Councilwoman Suzanne Hyland

“In our current political environment, there are many single-issue candidates. What we really need are experienced, objective leaders who can deliver common sense solutions to the wide array of growth challenges in Utah. That's why I stand with Scott Cuthbertson. Let's elect a visionary who speaks the language of progress and has the acumen to make it happen.

Cottonwood Heights City Councilman Shawn Newell

“Scott is the forward thinking leader we need representing District 15 in the state senate. Scott possesses the passion and fortitude to serve our varied communities and state in a manner that is impactful and gracious. He has the policy expertise to make an impact in the legislature on day one, and more importantly, has a record of working productively with stakeholders on all sides. He focuses on finding common ground and offering pragmatic solutions to the issues.”

Sandy City Councilman Ryan Mecham

“Scott’s background in business and his policy expertise are just what we need in a State Senator. He knows the opportunities and challenges facing our district and is the candidate best positioned to serve in our legislature.

Midvale City Councilman Paul Glover

“Our choices of individuals who seek to represent us must also be done with prudence and wisdom. A good, strong and experienced representative is the right reason to cast our vote for the best choice: Scott Cuthbertson, Utah State Senate District 15!

West Jordan City Councilman Bob Bedore

I’m supporting Scott Cuthbertson for the Utah State Senate, not because of party, but because of his proven actions. I believe that his representation will be best for all of Utah and specifically for my city of West Jordan. He has assured me of his commitment collaboration over partisan and people of politics. I believe his experience and background will help Utah reach a brighter future.”